Frequently Asked Question


What is a “Snap”?
“Snaps” are the currency of the Effect Group. A kind of credits that are included in the "Base Subscription" and that can also be purchased in different amounts Packs. “Snaps” are necessary for running our Services, which can have differents "Snaps" values depending on their type. As an example, one “People Search” have a different “Snap” value than a “Business Search”.
Except for those Services included in the "Effect Club" Loyalty Programme (See point 3 of this F.A.Q, or Click here for more info), "Snaps" will be required to use Effect Group Services.
How can I buy Snaps?
“Snaps” can be purchased in two different ways: Through the monthly “Base Subscription” and, additionally, by purchasing one of the three available "Snap Packs". The “Base Subscription” includes a fixed amount of 10 Snaps, while Packs vary between 5 and 40 Snaps. See Effect Group Price List for more info.
Which Payment Methods can I use?
Effect Group currently offers two Payment Gateways: Paypal and Stripe. We want to maintain our commitment to trust, security and privacy, so all your data and transaction history will be protected with the highest security standards.
Do I need a subscription to buy "Snap's Packs"?
Yes. You need to have an active susbscription to can buy “Snap Packs”. After all, the “Base Subscription” is similar to a "Snap Pack". "Snap Packs" are designed to cover those Clients who, due to their type of work, need a higher volume of Searches than those “Snaps” included in the "Base Subscription"
“Snaps” can Expire?
Yes. Each “Snap” has a time to be used. This time will be longer depending the number of “Snaps” that have been purchased, and varies from a minimum of one month for smaller Packs to a maximum of three months for Larger Packs, as it is detailed in our current Price List. The “Snaps” included in our “Base Subscription”, has one month time expire.

We will inform you at all times of your available "Snap" balance, as well as the time remaining for the use of your "Snaps"

Can I Cancel my Subscription?
Yes. Subscriptions automatically renew based on the term you selected when you created your account, either monthly or annually, until cancelled. You can cancel your subscription at any time by clicking on the “Cancel Subscription” button on your Member Area. Please note that to run any of our Services is neccesary to have an active Subscription, so if you had Snaps purchased through a "Snap Pack", this will be saved and available into your account until the next time you active your subscription, as long as Sanps haven't reached their Expire Time Limit.


What is covered by a “People Search”?
When you introduce an Input (Full Name, Email or Phone Number) in our Dashboard, and you Click on the “Search Button”, this action is considered a "People Search", and you will be charged with one "Snap"
Each “People Search” covers the following Results:
  • “Pre-Snap”: A list of multiple Targets that match with the query
  • “Person Data”: Name, Gender, Lenguages , DOB, Work Experience… related to the Target
  • “Leaked Data”: Passwords, Usernames, IP’s, Phone Numbres…. related to an Email
  • “Social Accounts”: Accounts in mayor Social Networks and other Web / Mobile Services related to an Email
  • “Phone Data”: Accounts in mayor Social Networks and other Mobile Services related to a Phone Number
  • “UK Residents” (Only if “UK Residentes Box” is Checked): Physical Address related to the Target, and acces to “UK Searches”. Additional “Snaps” will be charged, according to “Effect Group” Price List
  • “Officers”: Name, Company, Occupation, Position, Nationality, DOB… Available only If the target has a Directive Position in a Company
What kind of Inputs can be introduced in "People Search"?
In "Effect Group", you can start your Research through three different Inputs: Full Name, Email or Mobile Phone Number. Regardless of the type of Input entered, our AI Based Systems will trace the entire network in search of related results. In most cases, entering a single Input is enough to obtain the desired results.
However, the more Inputs related to the Target to be investigated are entered, the more accurate and higher quality results will be obtained.
Does a "People Search" have the same price depending on the Input entered?
Yes. “People Search” have a unique Price, regardless of whether the Input is a Full Name, an Email or a Mobile Phone Number, cause Reults obtained are usually similar and of high quality if we can establish the right relationships between the different Data Points.
Actually, an according our current Price List, that Price is established in one “Snap”
What is a "Pre-Snap"?
A “Pre-Snap” is a preview of the results related to the Input entered in "People Search". This tool is very useful, as it allows us to choose, without mistakes, the Target we are really interested in, avoiding wasting time and money in our Researchs
Once you have selected one of the Targets appearing in the "Pre-Snap", all related Data Points will be displayed.
Can I choose more than one Target in a “Pre-Snap”?
Yes. You can choose any of the multiple options that appear in the "Pre-Snaps", which is the list of results matching the Input entered in "People Search", as said above. But please note that a “People Search” only covers the research of one of the results listed in the “Pre-Snap” List, so if you select more than one, 0,50 "Snaps" will be charged to your Account, according to our current Price List.
What is a “Re-Search”?
It's easy to explain. When you do a "People Search", it is common that our systems returns a lots of data related to the Target. Effect Group, by default, and in case they exists, analyses one Email and one Phone Number (giving preference to personal ones) from among those that our Systems have found.

Multiple Email & Phone Numbers in Results
But if you want to research any other Email or Phone Number that appears in the Results related to the Target, you can do so. We call this new search "Re-Search". The option to access it will be displayed on your screen through a POPUP once our Systems have analysed all the previous data from the selected Target.

Phone Data Re-Serach” POPUP Example:

“Phone Data Re-Search” Popup
Email Re-Serach” POPUP Example:

“Email Re-Search” Popup
The Results of this “Re-Search”, will be shown in a different tab, both in the "Social Accounts" and in the "Leaked Data" sections.

New Tab Results in “Social Account” Section

New Tab Results in “Leaked Data” Section
Since this “Re-Search” does not require the need to re-scan the full network, it cost will be less than a normal "People Search": 0,30 "Snaps" for Emails, and 0,10 "Snaps" for Phone Numbers, according to our current Price List.
Can I search for an Email or Phone Number different than the ones that appear in the Results List?
Yes, of course. If you know an Email or Phone Number related to the Target, but it doesn’t appear in the list of results that Effect Group provides you with, you can can make use of the "Free Search" functionality within the "Phone Data Re-Search" & "Email Re-Search" Popups.

Free Search in “Email Re-Search
The "Effect Group" is formed by CyberIntelligence Specialists, who have a thorough knowledge of the researches process. We know that many times, Investigators have "Data Pieces" from different sources, so in Effect Group, we give you the possibility to use our Systems to analyse them, and group in a single report all the information about your Target, independently of the original source.

But if you have an Email or Mobile Phone Number as the only "Data Piece" to start your research, you can always go back to the main "People Search" Menu and use it as an Input for a new Search to extract all related information. But remember that, in this case, this new Search will be considered as a "People Search" and not as a "Re-Search", and therefore, the current prices in our Price List will be applied.
What are “Re-Fetchs” in Phone data or Social Accounts Results?
Occasionally, it is possible that in the Results we extract from both Emails and Mobile Phone Numbers, some Services wont be loaded at the same time. This is because crawling such a large number of Services takes time, so if the Search for an Account in a particular Service is delayed, we cut it off, to give you the rest of the Search Results faster.
But if you click the "Re-Fetch" button, our spider will re-fetch that account on that Service, at no additional cost, until it is found.
Will I be charged if a click in the “Re-Fetch” Button?
As said above, never! Click on the "Re-Fecth" button as many times as you want until we can provide you with the results for that Service. We will never charge you!
Will I be charged if a “People Search” doesn’t return any Result?
No. If our AI Based Sysytem does’t find any result, they are probably not available in the Net. But you won’t be charged. Effect Group only charges if it is able to give our Clients the information they need, if it is available.
All data points will be displayed in all Search Results?
It will depend on the exposure and positions in Companies of the Target being analysed. The greater online exposure of the Target, the more Data Points we will be able to find and, therefore, to show. Keep in mind that, as an example, not all Targets are UK Residents, or have a Company Position, or simple an Email related haven’t been found. In that cases, not all Data Points can be shown. But as we use to say, if it’s not in Effect Group, is not on the Net.
“UK Residents” option is a paid Service?
Yes. We need to search through Public and paid Registers so, the service has a small additional cost. Take a look to our current Price List.
Do I have to do anything to get results for "UK Residents" in my search?
Yes. But don't worry! All you have to do is "Check the Box"
Is possible to access my Account Search History?
Yes. All the searches you have made can be consulted as many times as you want through your " History" widget, available in your Personal Dashboard.
If I click in an stored Search, Will I be charged?
Obviously not. We have already done our work to give you the best results. So we won't charge you again.
If I change my User Account, will I be able to transfer my search history to my new Account?
Unfortunately not. For Privacy and Security reasons, “History” Data is associated to a unique ID, so it can’t be transferred into a different one.
Can I export Search Results?
Yes. You can export your Search Results clicking the “Download PDF” Button in the top right of the Screen Results


What is Effect Club?
Effect Club” is the Loyalty Programme of Effect Group through which you can get Free "Bullets" that can be used to run some of the Services of our Company. For more information about our Loyalty Programme, please visit our “Effect Club” section
What are “Bullets”?
Bullets”, similar to "Snaps", are credits that are allocated to each Client as a reward for the use of the Effect Group Services. This “Bullets” can be used as a currency for the payment of the Services included in the Loyalty Programme.
How can I get "Bullets"?
For each “People Search, which has a value of 1 “Snap”, we will reward you with 1 “Bullet”. “Bullets” can be used in many of our Services, which can have different “Bullets” values.
Which Services are included?
At the moment, the Services inluded in “Effect Club” can be found in the table below, which also includes the value in “Bullets” for each of them:
No Service Bullets Values
1 UK Business Search 0,25 Bullets
2 ICIJ Search 0,25 Bullets
3 OCCRP Dataset 0,25 Bullets
Will new Services be added to "Effect Club"?
That’s the idea. Our commitment to the OSINT Community is to offer High Quality Services at reduced prices, but also to contribute its development by facilitating access to New Services that can help all its members.

Our IT Department is developing new Tools we are sure will help in your day by day, and as part of our commitment, some of them will become part of the "Effect Club" Loyalty Programme.
Can I use “Bullets” out of the Services included in the Loyalty Program?
No. "Bullets” can only be used for the specific Services included in the Loyalty Programme. As a Services Company, we must maintain a balance between revenue generation and Corporate Social Responsibility, so not all of our Services can be used free of charge.
How can I know my “Bullets” Balance?
We will inform you via your Personal Dashboard about how many ”Bullets” you have generated, how many “Bullets” you have used, as well as the time remaining until your bullets expire.
Can Bullets expire?
Yes. Same as “Snaps”, “Bullets” will be assigned to your Account, which will be valid for the same period of validity as the traditional “Snaps”; For example, if “Bullets” are generated on the first day of a “Base Subscription” validity cycle (which has 1 month expiration time), that “Bullet” will be valid for 1 month. If it is generated on the 10th day, it will expire in 20 days. Or for example, if you buy a “PRO Snap Pack” (which has 3 months expiration time) and the first “Bullet” is generated in the first day, it will expire in 90 days. If it is generated in the 15th day, it will expire in 75 days

All Bullets will expire at the end of the term of the contracted “Subscription” or "Snaps Package” in which were generated.
How can I become a “Effect Club” Member?
Anyone can acces to our Club, but “Effect Club” is reserved for our most loyal customers. You Will be a Member Club when met at least one of the following two conditions:
  • rom the fourth month of Subscription in the "Effect Group Base" subscription.
  • For the purchase of a “Pro Snap Pack”, regardless of the number of months with active subscription
Once you meet one of the above conditions, you will automatically become a member of our Club.


Which Services are inlcuded in Effect Group API Service?
Actually, our API can be used to run the Services appearing in the Table below:
No Service
1 Person Search
2 UK Companies Search
3 Worldwide Companies Search
4 Anti Money Laundering Search
5 AWS Bucket Leaks
6 OCCRP Search
7 ICIJ Search
8 Image Analyzer
We are currently developing the implementation of the specific Services for "UK Residents", already available in our Web Service, which will be soon available also to you through the "Effect Group API", with the following Endpoints:
No Service
1 UK Residents Added Optional Information
2 UK Residents Address Search
3 UK Residents Phone Nummber Search
If you want to have more detailed information, please visiti our current Price List and our API Doc.
Are "Social" and "Phone Data" Results Available in Effect Group API?
Yes, they are. In the screenshot below you will find both Endpoints available in our API Service
But those Results doesn’t appears in the “Person Search” API response…
Given the complexity of the integration of the Large Number of Services that for a single Search on Person Effect Group offers, we have had to separate the “Person Search”, “Social Data” and “Phone Data” Results into three different Endpoints, and therefore, these Results are NOT available in the Person Search.
And how can I access these Results?
It’s easy. In the following lines we will explain step by step how to do it. Each time you make a query in the “Person Search” Endpoint, our API responses with this schme for the Social Data related to the Email we are analysing:
We can see three ítems created for each Social Network or Service we offer:
  • “fetch_service”: Social Network or Web Service in which we are Searching Data
  • “fetch_id”: The “ID” related to the item
  • “fetch_status”: If “created”, means our Service will give a Result
In order to access the Results of each of these items, we must extract the "fetch_id" of each Service, and pass it as a Parameter in the "GET Social Results" Endpoint

*Instagram “fetch_id” in “Person Search” Endpoint
Results, if available for that service, will appear in the way we can see below this line:
The same structure is applicable for obtain results in the "GET Phone Data Results" Endpoint. First, we obtain all the related Mobile Phone Number Services via “Person Search” Endpoint
We choose the Service and we extract the “fetch_id”

*Skype “fetch_id” in “Person Search” Endpoint
Then, we pass it as a Parameter in the "GET Phone Data Result" Endpoint
Finally, we get the Results found for the Service
How are the results returned by the API for each Service?
Each Service may have a different response depending on the methods used to achieve it
As a example, in the following table we can see the results for each Service in the GET SOCIAL RESULT Endpoint


Key Data Type
is_suspicious boolean
references number
reputation string
first_seen number
lastseen number
list_of_services array
exists boolean
phone_part string
email_part string
exists boolean
fullname string
username string
garmin_connect_profile_url string
garmin_connect_profile_uid string
exists boolean
email_part array
phone_part array
fullname string
exists boolean
exists boolean
exists boolean
exists boolean
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
username string
firstname string
lastname string
fullname string
mapmyfitness_profile_id string
mapmyfitness_profile_url string
exists boolean
exists boolean
exists boolean
exists boolean
exists boolean
eventbrite_profile_id string
exists boolean
gravatar_profile_url string
fullname string
username string
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
firstname string
lastname string
bio string
foursquare_profile_uid string
foursquare_profile_url string
firstname string
lastname string
fullname string
city string
latitude number
longitude number
gender string
facebook array
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
twitter array
exists boolean
fullname string
username string
instagram_profile_uid string
instagram_profile_url string
is_verified boolean
is_closed_profile boolean
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
firstname string
avatar_base64img string
firstname string
lastname string
fullname string
followers_count number
following_count number
pins_count number
boards_count number
pinterest_profile_uid string
username string
pinterest_profile_url string
gender string
is_verified boolean
is_business_account boolean
created number
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
boards array
url string
is_owner_website boolean
views_count number
text string
twitter_profile_uid string
twitter_profile_url string
fullname string
username string
created number
bio string
location string
latitude number
longitude number
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
telegram_profile_uid string
username string
firstname string
lastname string
lastseen number
avatar_base64img array
tumblr_profile_url string
username string
avatar_base64img string
avatar_url string
myspace_profile_url string
username string
fullname string
location string
latitude number
longitude number
goodreads_profile_url string
goodreads_profile_uid string
fullname string
location string
latitude number
longitude number
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
bio string
flickr_profile_uid string
flickr_profile_url string
fullname array
posts_count number
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
followers_count number
following_count number
fitbit_profile_uid string
fitbit_profile_url string
fullname string
photo_base64img string
duolingo_profile_uid string
url string
fullname string
learning_language string
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
username string
askfm_profile_url string
fullname string
posts_count number
likes_count number
address string
latitude number
longitude number
bio string
url array
username string
aboutme_profile_url string
aboutme_profile_uid string
firstname string
lastname string
paid_account boolean
fullname string
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
text string
instagram array
twitter array
facebook array
url array
vivino_profile_uid string
vivino_profile_url string
username string
fullname string
followers_count number
following_count number
posts_count number
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
strava_profile_uid string
avatar_url string
firstname string
lastname string
strava_profile_url string
avatar_base64img string
facebook_profile_url string
facebook_profile_uid string
username string
firstname string
lastname string
deezer_profile_uid string
deezer_profile_url string
birthday number
country_code string
gender string
screen_name string
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
username string
bookmate_profile_url string
leaks_count number
leaks array
fullname string
username string
instagram_profile_uid string
instagram_profile_url string
is_verified boolean
is_closed_profile boolean
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
exists boolean
username string
myfitnesspal_profile_uid string
myfitnesspal_profile_url string
is_closed_profile boolean
photos_count number
friends_count number
gender string
created number
email_part array
phone_part array
exists boolean
exists boolean
Finally, in the following table we can see the results for each Service in the GET PHONE DATA RESULT Endpoint


Key Data Type
telegram_profile_uid string
firstname string
lastseen number
username string
lastname string
avatar_base64img array
fullname string
lasteen string
photo_base64img string
email_part array
phone_part array
exists boolean
fullname string
fullname string
username string
instagram_profile_uid string
instagram_profile_url string
is_verified boolean
is_closed_profile boolean
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
exists boolean
exists boolean
avatar_base64img string
foursquare_profile_uid string
foursquare_profile_url string
firstname string
lastname string
fullname string
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
city string
latitude number
longitude number
gender string
facebook array
twitter array
twitter_profile_uid string
twitter_profile_url string
fullname string
username string
created number
location string
latitude number
longitude number
avatar_url string
avatar_base64img string
bio string
fullname string
carrier string
country_code string
exist boolean